What Causes Muscle Aches and Discomfort?
Muscle aches and discomfort can have numerous causes; in fact, it can be challenging to pinpoint exactly where muscle pains originate. Learn about the common causes of muscle aches and discomfort, other less likely causes, and when to discontinue home treatment and schedule an appointment with a doctor.
Common Causes of Muscle Aches and Discomfort
Typically, muscle pains will appear clustered in one area of the body and result from one of four common causes: minor injury, overuse injury, stress, or strain. Let’s explore each of these groupings.
Poor posture. Slouching, putting more weight on one side of the body than the other, and unnatural muscle positions can cause muscle aches and discomfort.
Inadequate warming up or cooling down. Being physically active without a five-minute warm-up and cool-down of stretching.
Injury from repetitive movements. Similar to overuse injury, this occurs by doing the same movement repeatedly, either during an unchanging exercise routine or throughout the course of a workday.
Sprains, strains, or tears. Moving or falling in a way that leads to overstretching a muscle.
Stress and Tension
Stress and tension go hand in hand when it comes to causing muscle aches and discomfort. Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional stress, it can trigger muscle tension or tightness, as a protective reflex. Muscle tension due to stress can cause back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and other muscle aches and discomfort throughout the body.
In case of muscle aches, take NOTTS Muscle Aches and Pain, which will help alleviate all those pains.