How to deal with the pain? Below are some ways to help reduce joint pain.
Acetaminophen: Over-the-counter medications can help reduce joint pain caused by inflammation. NOTTS Extra Strength contains Acetaminophen 500 mg, and NOTTS Muscle Aches and Pain contains Acetaminophen 650 mg.
Home Treatments: Try heating pads, ice packs, or warm baths to reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain.
Topical Ointments: Applied to affected joints, they can provide temporary relief, either over-the-counter or by prescription.
Weight Loss: If necessary, this can help reduce strain on overloaded or tense joints.
Exercise: Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and others can help strengthen muscles and joints.
Supportive Equipment: According to your doctor’s recommendation, supportive devices such as a cane, ankle braces, knee braces, or wrist braces can help support sore joints.
Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise regimen to help build joint strength and improve flexibility.